In an effort to increase transparency and efficiency, the City has implemented Laserfiche, an electronic document management system that provides access to some of the City’s legislative and administrative records. Please follow the new steps below to view records and submit a California Public Records Act (CPRA) request.

The City is committed to transparent and open government practices. The City responds to requests for public records pursuant to the California Public Records Act (CPRA), California Government Code sections 7920.000 et seq.

All information contained in a CPRA request, including requester’s information, is considered public record and may be subject to public inspection pursuant to California Government Code Section 7920.530.

To submit a public records request, please complete the Request for Public Records Form. Additionally, you have the option to search the Laserfiche public portal, which contains City public records. When completing the form, please be as specific as possible about each requested record or document. Vague or overly broad requests may result in delayed responses. Also, please note that general inquiries (e.g., all files relating to…) may necessitate additional time for further identification of the records.

Government Code section 6253(c) gives the City 10 calendar days to make a determination in response to a CPRA request. In certain circumstances, the City may extend its time to make that determination by an additional 14 calendar days. If the City extends the time, the City Clerk’s office will notify the requesting party in writing within the initial 10-day period of the reason(s) for the extension and the estimated date of determination.

Please be advised that the City does not maintain police records. For police records and inquiries, please contact the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station. For birth, marriage, and death records, please reach out to the Los Angeles Registrar Recorder/County Clerk.