Pasadena Humane
“Pasadena Humane is more than an animal shelter; we are a community-supported animal resource center providing compassion and care for all animals. Since 1903, Pasadena Humane has offered lifesaving programs and services for animals and the people who love them in the Greater Los Angeles Area. At our Pasadena campus, we provide shelter, dedicated care and new beginnings for thousands of our community’s most vulnerable animals every year. In addition to pet adoptions and foster, we focus on programs and services aimed at helping people care for and keep their pets, such as free and low-cost spay/neuter and vaccines, a pet food pantry, training programs for pets, and an animal support call center. In 2023, Pasadena Humane helped nearly 45,000 animals through adoptions, wildlife rehabilitation, lost & found, veterinary services, and surrender prevention assistance.” For more information, visit
351 S. Raymond Ave,
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 792-7151
Dog Licenses
State and local laws require that all dogs four months of age and older must be vaccinated against rabies and licensed. By getting your dog a license, if it gets lost, it is more likely to be found and returned to its owner.
Dog licenses are processed and managed by the Pasadena Humane. Licenses are valid for 12 months. Residents can apply for or renew a dog license online, in-person, by mail, or by calling the Pasadena Humane at 626-792-7151. For more information, and to purchase a license online visit
Note: Tags and licenses issued by other cities are NOT acceptable.
If your dog is impounded wearing a current LCF license, Pasadena Humane will try to contact you immediately based on current information available. Please contact Pasadena Humane to update your contact information if you move or change telephone numbers. Pasadena Humane will engrave your dog’s name and phone number on the back of the license tag for an additional fee.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has jurisdiction over all wildlife in California including bears. The CDFW tracks wildlife incidents, encounters, and sightings. The best way to document a bear encounter is by submitting a wildlife incident report online to the CDFW Wildlife Incident Reporting (WIR) by visiting The information is directed to CDFW area Biologists and Wildlife Wardens for review.
If the bear is acting threatening or you need immediate assistance, contact the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station by calling (818) 248-3464.
LCF Partners with California Department of Fish and Wildlife for Bear Safety Presentation-Recording
Animal Control Regulations
Excess Animal Permit
In addition to animals specifically authorized by the Zoning Ordinance Chapter 11.32 to be kept in a residential zone, an animal may be kept or maintained as a pet or for the personal use of the occupants of the premises if certain criteria are met. Please see the following link to view the process and permit application for such: Excess Animal Permit Application
For more information, call the City’s Planning Department at (818) 790-8881.
Residents have divided opinions on the local peafowl (peacocks and peahens) population. Some residents like the birds, others some would rather see them at the zoo. While the peafowl help controls the snail and rattlesnake population, they also can be very noisy and somewhat messy. The City manages the peafowl population with a peafowl management plan that was established with community input. This plan calls for an annual census of the peafowl flock to determine the population. If the flock exceeds nine birds, the City will trap and relocate a portion of the flock.
To discourage peafowl on your property, turn on your sprinklers intermittently or spray the birds with a hose (peafowl do not like water). Peafowl like animal food so please do not leave pet bowls inaccessible places. Dogs and cats will likewise discourage peafowl from entering your property.
For more information on peafowl, please visit Pasadena Humane Society’s wildlife resources.
Coyotes are part of the foothills landscape, but coyotes are wild animals and should be treated with caution. Most conflicts between humans and coyotes may be avoided by taking several actions:
- Never feed coyotes or attempt to befriend them;
- Do not leave pet food outside overnight;
- Keep garbage in a sturdy container with a tight lid;
- Consider keeping your pets indoors if coyotes are present in your neighborhood; and
- Spay or neuter your dogs.
For more information or assistance with problem coyotes, please visit Pasadena Humane wildlife resources or contact
The City only provides services for Bee Removal if it is in the City public right-of-way, meaning any city-owned or controlled property used for public travel and/or as a buffer between road use and private property.
For Africanized Bee Information and the Honey Bee Hotline contact the Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measure Department at (800) 233-9279.
For more information, call the City’s Public Works Department at (818)790-8882.
Pest Control
While the City of LCF does not give any compensation for these pest control/bee removal companies, they have offered La Canada residents with a helpful list if they are experiencing any pest control issues that they would like to address.
For more information, visit the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District at You can also contact the Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measure Department at (626) 575-5462 for Pest Management Service/Intake.
West Nile Virus Prevention
The City takes West Nile Virus precautions, as it is a harmful virus that can be passed along from mosquitos to humans. For information on reports, resources, and news regarding the activity of this traveling virus, visit