LCF Vista
The LCF Vista is the official newsletter of the City of La Cañada Flintridge. It is published and distributed on a quarterly basis with periodic special editions. The goal of this publication is to provide residents and local businesses with up-to-date information on City news, issues, projects/programs, and events. Below are this year and last years published newsletters.
Latest Edition:
PDF Archive (2021 to Present):
LCF Bulletin
The LCF Bulletin brings the latest news and updates from LCF straight to your inbox. The launch of this e-newsletter will ensure that everyone has timely access to important news, events, and information.
Whether it’s announcements about new city initiatives, updates on ongoing projects, or details about upcoming events, the LCF Bulletin serves as a one-stop resource for residents to stay informed.
By subscribing to our e-newsletter, you’ll stay in the know and never miss out on the exciting things happening in La Cañada Flintridge. We believe that an informed community is an empowered community. So, continue reading below and get ready to engage, participate, and make a difference in our wonderful city.
Latest Edition: December 2024