Regular City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6:00 pm, excluding City holidays. The City Council meets in the City Council Chambers at La Cañada Flintridge City Hall, One Civic Center Drive, La Cañada Flintridge.
All City Council meetings are open to the public, however, some discussions regarding property acquisition, legal matters, or personnel issues take place in Closed Session. State law allows such items to be discussed privately. No other items may be discussed in Closed Session and Closed Session items must be listed on the City Council Agenda for each meeting.
Public Participation (Commission meetings follow similar protocol)
Each City Council Agenda provides an opportunity for the public to address and provide information to the City Council. During the Comments from the Public portion of the meeting, anyone wishing to address the City Council should fill out a Public Comment Card and submit it to the City Clerk. Speakers will be called in the order that Public Comment Cards are received. When called, speakers should come to the podium, be recognized by the Mayor, and state their name for the record. Speakers are afforded 3 minutes to discuss items listed on the Consent Calendar, items not on the Agenda, or any issue within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. Comments from the Public is limited to a maximum of 20 minutes. Speakers not able to speak due to the 20 minute time limit will be provided the opportunity to speak at the end of the City Council meeting.
The public may also comment on Consent Calendar items at the time of its introduction. Consent Calendar items are routine matters that are enacted by one motion, generally without separate discussion unless a member of the City Council requests an item to be removed for separate consideration.
During Public Hearing deliberations by the City Council, the public may voice their opinion and/or express their concerns regarding the specific topic of discussion. Public Hearings are noticed to the public in the La Cañada Outlook newspaper and/or by the posting of a notice, generally ten days in advance of the hearing. Prior to opening the Public Hearing to receive public testimony, City staff will present a report and respond to questions. Upon opening the Public Hearing, the Mayor will invite the applicant/project proponent to speak first, followed by members of the public, and then allow the applicant/project proponent to the opportunity to rebut/address questions and comments raised. After public testimony is heard, the Mayor will close the public portion of the hearing, at which time no member of the public shall address the City Council.
Anyone wishing to address the City Council regarding Other Business agenda items, may do so by approaching the public podium as that particular item is being addressed and wait in be recognized by the Mayor. To ensure that business is conducted in an orderly and fair manner, speakers will be afforded one opportunity per Agenda item to address the City Council. At its discretion, the City Council may call speakers back to the podium to obtain further information. Groups or organizations are encouraged to appoint a spokesperson. Speakers will be given a reasonable amount of time to address the City Council, but comments should be limited to points not made by previous speakers.
Any supporting materials or documents to be presented to the City Council should be given to the City Clerk before addressing the City Council. Such materials and documents submitted during a Public Hearing will become part of the public record and may not be returned.
Tips for Public Participation at City Council Meetings
- To address the City Council about a particular item, make your desire to speak known by coming forward to the public podium at the conclusion of the staff report. Upon being recognized by the Mayor, please state your name for the record and continue with your comments.
- Address your remarks and questions to the City Council and not to the public or City staff members.
- Conduct yourself in a professional, courteous manner and refrain from applauding, shouting, or talking while speakers are addressing the City Council.
- Refrain from bringing food and drinks into the City Council Chambers (water is allowed).
City Council Meeting Information, Livestreaming & Broadcasts
City Council meeting Agendas are posted and published at least 72 hours prior to regular meetings and 24 hours prior to special meetings, in accordance with State law. Agendas & Reports are made available on the City’s website on Friday afternoons preceding City Council meetings. Hard copy materials are also available at City Hall for public viewing. City Council meeting Minutes are posted on the City’s website following City Council approval.
Regular and Special City Council meetings are streamed live on the City’s Website and available to the public on demand thereafter. In addition, the Regular City council meetings are broadcasted live on Charter Cable television channels 3. City Council meetings are also re-broadcast on Charter Cable on Thursdays at 6:00 pm, and Saturdays at 9:00 am until the next regular meeting.
Closed Session meeting of the City Council are not broadcasted or streamed online.
For more information regarding City Council meetings, please contact the City Clerk at (818) 790-8880.
Government Access Channel
Under terms of an existing agreement with Spectrum Cable, a channel is provided to the City to use for public information. Residents who are subscribers to Charter Spectrum Cable are able to tune channel 3 or 16 to access the City’s Government access channel.
A rotating bulletin board runs throughout the day providing general information, such as: public safety updates, upcoming meetings, road closures, etc. Residents are encouraged to tune into this channel during emergencies for important information.
Also on the City’s Government Access Channel, regular City Council meetings are broadcast live, and re-broadcast twice a week until the next regular meeting. In addition, various public information videos are shown on a regular schedule.
Social Media Policy
The City’s Social Media Policy establishes guidelines for the establishment and use by the City of La Canada Flintridge of social media sites (including but not limited to Facebook and Twitter) as a means of conveying information about the City and its events and activities to its residents. The City has an overriding interest and expectation in deciding what is “spoken” on behalf of the City on City social media sites as established in the Policy.