The City of La Cañada Flintridge believes protecting our waterways is part of maintaining a beautiful city. La Cañada Flintridge is located in the Upper Los Angeles River watershed. Rainfall and runoff flow from watersheds to local storm drains, creeks, and the Pacific Ocean without being treated. It is important to keep our watersheds clean to ensure beautiful, healthy, and safe rivers and beaches.

What is stormwater?

Stormwater is runoff from rainfall that drains through natural and urban areas. Stormwater flows into storm drains, through creeks and eventually into the ocean and can pick up urban pollutants along the way. The City has a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit by which the City must take many measures to prevent stormwater pollution. The permit contains multiple programs that are implemented by the City: public outreach, illicit discharge and illicit connection elimination, development planning, development construction, commercial and industrial facilities inspections, and public agency activities. With the implementation of these programs, the City can achieve water-quality standards as enforced by the Regional Water Quality Control Board – Los Angeles.

Summer Reminder!

As the summer months arrive, many of us will want to head outdoors to enjoy the warmer weather and the recreational spaces within our community. However, with more of us preparing for summer and spending time outdoors, pollution in the City can increase. Improper practices such as littering or discharging your pool water can cause many pollutants such as trash and harmful chemicals to end up in the City’s streets, gutters, and storm drains, which lead to our local waterways. This contaminates the water and is harmful to human health, plants, and animals.

Even simple changes to our practices can make a big difference in keeping our local waterways clean and free of pollutants. Here are a few things to keep in mind to eliminate pollution in the City:

  • Do not litter and place all trash in the appropriate waste container.
  • Do not overfill your waste containers.
  • Pick up after your pets by putting dog waste in a sealed bag to prevent spillage during collection.
  • Do not discharge pool water directly into a natural waterway as it will have a direct impact on the ecosystem. Click here to learn about how to discharge your pool water.
  • Report illegal dumping and illicit discharges to the City at
  • Report illegal dumping by calling the Countywide hotline at 1-888-CLEANLA.
  • The City of La Cañada Flintridge provides trash and recycling services on a weekly basis; remember to set out your waste containers on collection day.

You can help!

Be aware of these household pollutants and how you can prevent stormwater pollution:

  • Do not dump anything into the streets, gutter, or storm drain inlets.
  • Household fertilizers, pesticides, and other hazardous wastes are toxic. Always follow the directions on the container, avoid application before the rain, and avoid a runoff.
  • Avoid washing off driveways, sidewalks, and walkways.
  • Pet waste contains harmful bacteria. Always pick up after your pet and dispose of waste in a nearby trash can.
  • Prevent unnecessary irrigation runoff by fixing sprinkler heads or installing drip irrigation.
  • Do not litter and always place trash, including cigarette butts, in a proper waste receptacle.
  • Wash your car at a car wash or where wash water will drain to a grassy or landscaped area. Car washes collect wash water and prevent soaps from entering the storm drain system.
  • Check the City’s calendar for Household Hazardous Waste upcoming collection events near you.
  • Take Action! Volunteer at a local creek cleanup. Consider joining a California Coastal Cleanup Day or a Friends of the LA River event.

Report Illegal Dumping or Discharges, please call the countywide hotline at 1-888-CLEANLA or alert the City.